Jumat, 27 September 2013

Efektivitas Format Iklan Komparatif dan Non Komparatif Merek Market Leader

The Effectiveness of Comparative and Non-Comparative Ad Formats
Which is Used by The Market Leader Brands

Krisna Adriyanto, Tandiyo Pradekso1, dan Djoko Setyabudi2


Field Experimental Research, 2 (Ad Formats) X 2 (The Difference between Men and Women in Information-Proccessing Strategies) Randomized-Blocked Factorial Design was conducted involving 120 participants (60 men and 60 women), who were assigned into 4 (four)  treatment groups. Stimulus used in this research are non-comparative and indirect comparative ads which used by the brand "Adem Sari" in the period mid-2012 to mid-2013. The stimulus was combined with the Opera Van Java July 24, 2013 Edition and involved several ads from other product categories. Furthermore, the data analysis techniques used as hypothesis testing tools are  Two-Ways ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U Test, Two-Ways Friedman ANOVA By Rank and Structural Equation Modelling with an alternative method of Partial Least Square (PLS).

These studies suggest that indirect comparative ad formats result in unfavorable attitudes toward the ad and brand. In addition, the ability of this type of advertising to encourage favorable cognitive responses toward ads and encouraging purchase intention, also did not differ significantly with non-comparative ad format. Cognitive response toward ads on both types of ad formats (indirect comparative and non-comparative) is significantly affect consumer attitudes toward the ad and brand. In the non-comparative advertising, attitudes toward ad have a significant effect on attitudes toward the brand, but this does not occur in indirect comparative advertising. In this cases, consumer attitudes toward the ad and brand proved as a significant predictor of consumer purchase intention when indirect comparative advertising is used, but this does not apply when non-comparative advertising is used. The differences between Men dan Women in Information-Proccessing Strategies and their interaction with the ad format, also did not significantly influence the effectiveness of both types of ad formats. Another interesting finding in this research, is the Men have more favorable attitude towards the brand when exposed to indirect comparative advertising. While Women will have more favorable attitude towards the brand than Men when exposed to non-comparative advertising.

Keywords : Ad Format, The Differences between Men and Woman in Information-Proccessing Strategies, Cognitive Response toward the Ad, Attitude toward the Ad, Attitude toward the Brand, Purchase Intention, Partial Least Square (PLS).

1,2Corresponding author


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